How to start an etf

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Get ETF'D is your guide to making it in the ETF world.

This book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in starting an ETF and running an ETF company.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, student, a seasoned professional, or tasked with educating others about ETFs, "Get ETF'D" is the ultimate guide on how to start an ETF.

A Peek Inside

Designed to assist beginners and professionals alike in navigating the complexities of starting an ETF, this book includes practical insights and strategies for entering and growing in the space.

  • Fundamentals and Strategy: Learn the ins and outs of the ETF market, from basics to advanced operational strategies.
  • Launching Your ETF: A step-by-step guide on "starting an ETF," including regulatory compliance and effective team building.
  • Marketing and Growth: Tactics for promoting your ETF and ensuring its competitiveness in the market.
  • Real-World Insights: Springer Harris shares his extensive experience in the ETF industry, from challenges to successes.

About The Author

I’m Springer Harris. I simplify launching & running ETFs.

ETFs are the best financial instrument and I am on a mission to demystify the process of launching and managing them. My experience ranges from helping start an ETF company over a decade ago to roles as a Portfolio Manager, Consultant, and Founder of a White-Label ETF platform.

Connect with me on LinkedIn to keep up with new content and industry trends.

I am currently taking on new consulting and White-Label clients.

Click below to schedule a meeting with me at Teucrium.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost to start an ETF?

Answer: Pricing varied based on specific ETF offerings. General costs range from $75k to $200k for startup, with ongoing costs from $200k to $250k+ annually, plus variable costs based on fund scale.

How long does it take to launch an ETF?

Answer: Launching an ETF involves obtaining SEC approval, board approval, and developing both internal operations and compliance programs. Timelines vary based on various factors but can be as quick as 90 days.

Who can start an ETF?

Answer: Starting an ETF requires SEC registration as an Adviser, Sub-Adviser or and index provider. All require establishing a compliance program.

How do you launch an ETF?

Answer: Launching an ETF can follow one of three main paths: as an Advisor operating the Trust, as an Advisor using a Series Trust, or as a Sub-Advisor on a White-Label Platform. Each route has its trade-offs between control, cost, and operational workload, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right model

What is a White-Label ETF Platform?

Answer: A white-label ETF platform allows sponsors to launch an ETF efficiently without the heavy costs associated with establishing and operating a Trust independently. This service covers all operational aspects, enabling clients to concentrate on strategy management and distribution.

Should I Start an ETF?

Answer: Starting an ETF depends on various factors, but the industry offers significant opportunities. If you're considering entering the market, I'm here to help. Let's schedule a consultation to explore whether an ETF is the right venture for you. I'm excited to assist you on this journey.